মেয়েদের হরমোন সমস্যা-Hormonal Imbalance In Women-health tips bangla language-bd health tips
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Topic: Hormonal Imbalance In Women in bangla / Female Hormone Imbalance in bangla
Guest: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Indrajit Prasad. MBBS (DMC), FCPS ( Medicine), MD (Endocrinology)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Endocrinology & Diabetology, Dhaka Medical College.
Diabetes and its complications, Thyroid & other Hormone diseases like- Obesity, unwanted hair in female, menstual irregularities,infertility, Short stature(Low height),tall stature, increased breast size in male,Galactorrhoea( breast milk secretion in unmarried female), Menopausal syndrome(hot flush after cessation of menstruation),Blackening of skin(addison’s disease), male hypogonadism(weakness, less beard& mustache), Female hypogonadism,osteoporosis. Trained in Advanced Endocrinology (Singapore). Fellow American College of Endocrinology
Chamber: Bangladesh Specialized Hospital Ltd., 21 Mirpur road, Shyamoli, Dhaka (Call 16484).
Profile: https://goo.gl/E6qj8Z
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