Vitamin d deficiency is pandemic. Many people have at least one of these #vitamin_d_deficieny_symptoms. But they don’t no that is due to #vitamin_d_deficiency. Vitamin d in cooperate with almost all systems of the body. Hence reduced level of vitamin d can lead a problem in any organ or system in the body.
Here by this video you can find whether you are vitamin d deficient or not without testing.!

Watch our videos on vitamin d : –
1. Dietary sources of vitamin D | How much vitamin D do you need | What is the Best source of Vitamin D

2.How ozone layer, solar zenith angle, melanin and latitude affect vitamin D synthesis from sunlight

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In this video, Dr Mike explains how a vitamin D precursor in the skin turns into the active form of vitamin D.
He explains the role of the sun and animal and plants products in the synthesis of Vitamin D.
He explores the role of vitamin D and the enzymes involved.
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